The West is Silenced
by Ilana Mercer
How is it possible to critique Critical Race Theory yet fail to mention its salient characteristic—that it is exclusively anti-white? Easily, if one is a Beltway conservative. They complain a lot about this theory, yet are congenitally incapable of calling it what it is: anti-white agitprop.
One Federalist piece, “Critical Race Theory Is A Classic Communist Divide-And-Conquer Tactic,” brings it back to communism. Quite how this adds up is unclear, but the author decries a way of thinking that exploits the amorphous “tragedy of racial divisions in America.” In essence, some bad people with a communistic manual and mindset aren’t interested in healing us. Really? Did communism, an equal-opportunity oppressor, revolve around the exclusive demonizing of whites?
Western democracies are third-way political and economic systems. They are already heavily socialized. Once Western societies go from third way to third world, debate over communism will cease, for communism will have arrived. In other words, dissecting and decrying communism is an ideological luxury, the province of relatively wealthy, stable, developed democracies.
America is indeed racially divided. Blacks resent whites for a variety of reasons, not least the incessant, institutionalised propagandising by progressive whites. Deal with this and reject it, Beltway boy. Communism is but an intellectual crutch.
By deferring to communism and identity politics, and by ducking anti-white animus, the ever-quaking conservatives cloak themselves in the raiment of respectable argument. Then there is that Uriah Heep like obsequiousness. Going by the aforementioned Federalist writer, conservatives refuse to even take credit for the “oppressive” culture for which Europeans are being berated. Ludicrously, they universalise the Protestant Ethic.
Recall the “Smithsonian display on whiteness” that condemned as “white” all elements of a civilized society, including politeness, hard work, self-reliance, logic, planning, delayed gratification, and family cohesion. “None of those are ‘white’ values,” assures our Federalist apologist , as she criticizes Critical Race Theory for framing them as white. Imagine being so obsequious and apologetic as to wash your hands of that inestimable thing that you created, Western Civilisation. All of these values are most pronounced in the European culture. One might even pin them down to Western Europe, because the sanctity of a man’s word, the handshake, culminating in the legally binding contract—these are the cultural and religious values that allowed capitalism to take off in the Anglosphere.
Crypto-conservative Dave Rubin, of You Tube fame, also won’t say “anti-white.” Critical Race Theory is … wait for it, “racist.” Racist? Is Critical Race Theory anti-black, anti-Hispanic, anti-Asian, anti-Amerindian? Even City Journal’s Christopher Rufo, a formidable warrior against institutionalized Critical Race Theory, still can’t bring himself to say it. By Rufo’s definition, Critical Race Theory is “a radical ideology that advocates the overthrow of capitalism, meritocracy, and equal protection under the law.” Sure. But those base objectives are secondary to singling out whites for a punishing program of reeducation, subjugation and intimidation.
Douglas Murray is one of the more articulate, neoconservative second-handers, whose book, “The Strange Death of Europe”, cribs its title and theme from George Dangerfield’s 1935 “Strange Death of Liberal England.” Across the pond, Murray finds himself wondering the streets of central London, only to be plunged into trammels of despair by Black Lives Matter imagery, projected over the city’s “vast screens.” The “sinister rotation of images beaming out over London’s most famous junction” was “a horrible sight, not just for the threatening iconography, but for the profanity,” shudders Murray. Black Lives Matter imagery, invariably, is that of masked men, women and children all gesticulating and expostulating in gangster grammar against “white people.”
Murray’s Piccadilly Circus sojourn is conducive to a literary detour, in which he shows himself deficient in the sourcing department. Although Murray swanks, in a tangent, about correctly attributing a quotation, he errs and must be corrected. Bear with me. “If not us, then who? If not now, then when?” is not originally by civil rights activist John Lewis. Rather, it is a distorted riff of an ancient adage by the Jewish sage and scholar, Rabbi Hillel (110 B.C.- 10 A.D.):
If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am only for myself, what am I?
And if not now, then when?
Perhaps, as a Jew, I should call that “cultural expropriation” and plagiarism.
Back on terra firma, Murray describes the culturally alien hysterical apparitions that dog him across central London. There is “a black man wrapped in chains with a manacle around his neck and a gas mask covering most of his face.” There are “crowds of frightened people, shouting, screaming, yelling, and crying” about democracy denied. Exported from America, Black Lives Matter “iconography” is too horrible to behold. In Murray’s context, it constitutes a cultural colonialization of London, that most English of cities. When he comes up for air, however, Murray fizzles, meekly blaming … the media for pushing a “narrative of disunity and dissent.”
All that the current crop of conservatives can muster is to accuse Critical Race Theory peddlers of preventing multicultural America from having that big group hug we all crave. Denied, the systemic war on whites will not end well. Witness my homeland of South Africa.
Ilana Mercer has been writing a weekly, paleolibertarian column since 1999. She’s the author of Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa(2011) & The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (June, 2016). She’s currently on Gab, YouTube, Twitter & LinkedIn, but has been banned by Facebook.
“The Black Lives Matter movement has swept blackness [sic] to the heart of political discourse….when I first entered politics….’Here to stay, here to fight,’ was one of our favourite slogans on demonstrations. Importantly, riots erupted in cities all over the country…in Brixton…Birmingham…west London…Birmingham…Liverpool…
Nottingham…Manchester…. Black History Month came from the left of the [Labour] party…. In fact, it has been leftwing local authorities that have provided much of the funding for Black History Month over the decades…. It is still a mainstay of school curriculums….from the Bank of England to the National Trust, along with Oxbridge colleges and our leading museums are now having unprecdented discussions…. There are still too many people who resist the idea that black people and our history should be accepted as part of sweep of British history.” – Diane Abbott MP, “The Guardian”, 20 October 2020.
Amazing what attacks on policemen, arson and looting could achieve that a list of famous African scientists, inventors, engineers, mathematicians, philosophers, surgeons, navigators, aviators and jurists could not.