Trump doesn’t need to talk like a Conservative
Ilana Mercer has tough love for Trump
With his decisive victory on Super Tuesday II (March 15), Trump is already winning for America.
We’ve won a reprieve. There will be no 13th Republican debate. It was cancelled by the candidate. Megyn Kelly can save her new outfit and mink eyelashes for the next liberal shindig she attends.
Despite the best efforts of Scarlet Letter “E” Republicans and conservatives, Trump has 673 out of the 1237 delegates required, 263 more than runner-up Ted Cruz. The New York Times—it lies a little less than Fox News—has conceded that “Rubio’s exit leaves Trump with an open path to 1,237 delegates.”
Alas, bar the last debate, in Coral Gables, Miami, March 10, the other 11 debates have not showcased the best of Trump.
And it’s not that Trump doesn’t talk like a conservative. Talking like a conservative is meaningless.
The Marco Mattel Doll mouthed near-perfect conservative bulletin points. Pull a string, and Barbie’s beau would disgorge conservative words and phrases from a rotating repertoire. Look the other way, and the Cuban Ken was passing liberal legislation with Chucky Schumer (Dem).
Talking like a conservative doesn’t mean a politician will act like a conservative.
Come to think of it, Republican presidents who talk and act conservatively are as elusive as Big Foot. There hasn’t been a sighting in maybe a century. A purist would cite Democrat Grover Cleveland as America’s last conservative president. He preached and practiced the maxim that “the people must support the government, but the government must not support the people.”
True, too, is that conservatives, younger ones, it seems, have adopted much of the Left’s Orwellian illiberal thinking, thankfully alien to The Donald.
While the Left controls the intellectual means of production—schools (primary, secondary, tertiary), media, foundations, think tanks, publishing prints—the “Respectable Right” is hardly on the outs with the liberal smart set.
Both factions are agreed:
Endless immigration is a net good, as long as it’s legal.
Source of immigration is insignificant, as long as it’s legal. At heart, every Afghani, Iraqi or Somali are just closeted Jeffersonians.
Racism: Whites have come a long way but have a long way to go, ad infinitum.
Michelle Fields: New Conservatives get as exercised as liberals about pursuing legal remedies for hysteria.
In such a national emergency as Fields caused, the advice of Humphrey Bogart, playing Rick Blaine in “Casablanca” (channeled by Woody Allen in “Play It Again Sam”), should be considered: “I never saw a dame yet that didn’t understand a good slap in the mouth …”
Fields, a reporter, claimed she was assaulted by the Republican front-runner’s surrogate. She offered iffy evidence for her allegations. Fields had scrummed Trump. She was too close for comfort to a candidate who’s the target of daily death threats. Solemnly, conservatives took to debating the “assault” endured by Fields and the merits of a legal remedy.
The law is an ass. But so are these conservatives. (The Fields matter has since been settled: Megyn Kelly will get Fields a spread in Vogue, Kelly’s alma mater.)
Which brings me to gender: New Conservatives will debate as hotly as any Democrat girl whether something is or isn’t “sexist.” Feminized discourse, conducted in fussy falsettos by men in trendy eye wear, is now as pervasive on the Right—and certainly as “conservative”—as the cause of women in combat.
Political Correctness: like liberals, New Conservatives form a party of “isms,” not individualism. Diligently do they dissect controversial speech for signs of the dread sexism, racism, ageism. Mainstream conservatives seldom recuse themselves from the act of policing speech or inventing Orwellian linguistic mutations. As an example you have Cornell Williams Brooks (radical leftist, head of National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) and S.E. Cupp (unsharpened pencil, self-styled, “conservative”), both accusing Trump of “otherizing” other people. (Tautology? Circularity? WTF?)
Other defining issues over which New Cons and liberals practically converge:
Multiculturalism is America’s strength, but Europe’s weakness.
Islam is peaceful, except for a few bad Abduls.
Crime and race. Very important. Old Rightists would have defended Hillary Clinton’s 1996 statement about predatory youth. By virtue of having no conscience, no empathy, some kids can be called super predators, she reasoned. “We can talk about why they ended up that way, but first, we have to bring them to heel.”
The fact that media still ignore America’s perennial race riots and their signature sock-it-to-cracker knockout game; the fact that the press and the pols have rechristened the perps as “teens letting off steam,” “juveniles,” “unruly youths,” “unaccompanied young people”—this does nothing to alter the veracity of the Old Mrs. Clinton’s strident, coherent position on violent offenders.
Not unlike Black Lives Matter, conservatives currently admonish the Old Hillary—you guessed—for her racism.
You get the drift. Conservative talk is not all it’s cut out to be. When it comes to philosophical convictions (the stuff discussed above), most conservatives more closely resemble their beltway liberal friends than Republican Party voters.
From the country’s dismal finances and propagandized population, a sizable segment has concluded that conservative power-brokers and liberal power-brokers are indistinguishable.
The problem with Trump is not that he speaks unconservatively, but that he talks incoherently.
“I’m the only one on this stage who’s hired people, full stop!’” Trump once thundered. Judging from the repetitive phrases and undeveloped ideas Trump repeats, the singularly gifted people Trump promised to hire have yet to materialize.
Hillary Clinton can talk the hind legs off a donkey. Time to hire talent, Mr. Trump, to help shape a cogent message.
In hiring epistolary and policy talent, Mr. Trump should steer clear of all neoconservatives. In Miami, Mr. Trump rattled off a list of army brass he may hire. He mentioned Colonel Jack H. Jacobs, an honorable man who’s not a warmonger (and thus unknown to Fox News viewers).
Luring the only decent Democrat currently in public life to a Trump administration may prove strategic, in scooping up Bernie Sanders’ voters.
Being a Democrat generally comes with the presumption of asininity, which is why Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii is unusual. She’s an Iraq War veteran, who serves on the Armed Services and Foreign Affairs Committees. She’s poised, articulate, beautiful—and she never whinges like Michelle Fields. Tulsi stands firm against gratuitous wars, opposes the deposing of Bashar al-Assad, and despises Debbie Wasserman Schultz, despicable DNC Chair and handmaiden to Hillary.
Experienced hand Ed Rollins is a tough and principled conservative warrior. He ought to be tapped by Trump. Another Old-Right conservative is the ever scrappy, always brilliant populist Patrick J. Buchanan. He’ll be indispensable if Trump is to explain to a sissified generation that Trump Nation will not cower before the Alinskyite activists who’re trying to silence the hitherto Silent Majority and sunder its right to peaceful assembly.
Self-defense is righteous, not violent. Pacifism is for pinkos.
Ann Coulter writes pellucid prose. She and Pat should help The Donald craft the rationale for a moratorium on America’s legal, million-migrant-a-year, immigration policy. A restoration of pre-1965 thinking (back before Ted Kennedy lied America into multicultural immolation by immigration) is required.
Because of Ted, one in five people residing in the U.S. is a foreigner, with next to no English. Because of Ted, Americans are aliens in their own homeland.
The destruction of this country’s social fabric has never bothered liberals. But what of its natural environment? Roy Beck and his NumbersUSA outfit could assist Mr. Trump to make environmentalists aware of the impact of an annual influx of 2-3 million people (counting the illegal intake), on the country’s ecosystems, animate and inanimate.
Ilana Mercer is a paleolibertarian writer, based in the U.S. She pens WND’s longest-standing, exclusive paleolibertarian column, “Return to Reason.” She is a fellow at the Jerusalem Institute for Market Studies. Her latest book is “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons For America From Post-Apartheid South Africa.” Her website is She blogs at Follow her on Twitter: “Friend” her on Facebook:
Ilana should tune in (it’s online as well as on the radio) to BBC Radio 4’s evening news analaysis programme, PM. They have been doing a “Donald Trump quote of the day” or quote of the week – a mock-satirical piece about the Republican frontrunner. The feature seems very much at odds with the BBC’s supposed even-handedness. Most of the journalists discuss Trump with a “how-could-ANYONE-believe-this?!” sarcasm, and I even heard the Radio 4 North American correspondent, relaying his “news” item to the “anchor” in the London studio, with phrases such as: “Oh you’ll love this Eddie, guess what he’s said today…” It is like listening in to a private discussion of people at a university student union, or leftist dons in the “political science faculty”, rather than a news programme. Of course, Radio 4 uses a similar tactic when discussing our own dissidents (i.e. the leaders of UKIP, anyone opposing the EU, or the idea that a nation should control itself demographically) – but I sense that the feelings of ordinary people, tested in real-life situations and not fashioned in leftist salons – are becoming more distant and detached from the liberal “consensus”.