Top Vinyl Films
Saving America
By Ilana Mercer
By now, most Americans, for or against, get the idea. All an individual or family need do to live in America, and off the avails of the American taxpayer, is to arrive at an approved port of entry and “lodge a legal claim to stay.”
That’s it.
The same understanding animates an entire, parasitical industry that has arisen to coach the claimants in their claims-making.
The refugee and illegal-migrant racket sprung-up on the backs of the American people is Third World cronyism at its best. “The Trump administration plans to pay a Texas nonprofit nearly half a billion dollars, this year, to care for immigrant children who were detained crossing the U.S. border illegally, reports Bloomberg.”
Did you vote for that?
Brazen border-crossers “rarely hide from border agents,” for they know the rules of the game are that there aren’t any rules. Not for them, not for the lawless.
The law-abiding pay.
The profits from the immigration industry, material and political, are privatized; the costs are socialized.
It has taken a president, in the person of Donald J. Trump, and his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to expose for all to see a shameful, likely irreversible, fact: American birthright has been frittered away for a mess of pottage.
In exchange for throwing America open to The World, Americans get crime, poverty, unemployment, depressed wages, environmental despoliation, overburdened public services, and zero comity and harmony across their communities.
Or, more likely hate. For to oppose this transformative political give-away is to be branded a hater and be hounded, at home, by a Fifth Column of values-enforcers.
There’s no finessing it. This selling of the patrimony and heritage of Americans is theft, plain and simple. There is no hiding it. Peddling of stolen goods for political favors is the handiwork of political representatives, of legislators.
Through legislative sleight-of-hand and international treaty making American politicians have incrementally robbed a people of their national and territorial sovereignty, as well as their shared identity.
As another patriot, broadcaster Tucker Carlson, put it, nobody voted to change the country thus. These treacherous “elites vie to see who can reach the greatest heights of rhetorical excess and self-righteous posturing,” spat Tucker in disgust.
His philippic was over a sickeningly sanctimonious press, convulsing over kids detained at the border, in accordance with US law, to which the whole thing is an event, a happening. Mere mortals, like Trump’s Deplorables, must look up to—and learn from—these avatars of morality.
To cap it all, in Trump translation:We have the crappiest, most liberal immigration laws.
He has tried. The president has valiantly attempted to save America.
“During Trump’s first nine months in office,” bemoans the neoliberal Economist, “arrests for immigration violations were 42 percent higher than they were during the same period in Barack Obama’s last year. Non-border deportations rose 25 percent in fiscal 2017. Deportations of illegal immigrants who have committed no other crime, and who were not a priority in the Obama era, nearly tripled. Refugee admissions had plummeted. This fiscal year 16 percent of them are Muslim, compared with 42 percent a year ago.”
For this reason—and with Ahab-like zeal—has the establishment gone after Trump. Only when he is politically annihilated will this establishment rest. Hence the manufactured crisis at the border.
Before the border setback, White House officials had been “drafting a package which would, among other things, make it easier to deport children who arrive alone at the border.”
As had ICE agents who increased their presence at courthouses, vowing to use courthouse arrests for “specific, targeted aliens” with criminal records, gang affiliations or removal orders, or who pose national security threats.
But now it’s, “The kids, the kids”: Members of the chattering class, the noise makers, have been tripping over one another to prove each one of them is on the side of the angels.
Magnificently did Tom Homan, acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, stand up to the sniveling, manipulative media with facts about the law and the right of national sovereignty.
And, what do you know? They, in the person of the Wolf Blitzer prototype, crumbled, apologetically. Alas, flabby, lickspittle Republicans are too dumb and devious to have figured out that a backbone, and fidelity to just law, frightens Democrats more than anything.
To the horror of one CNN practitioner of yellow journalism—sensational, sentimental, never impartial—the removal of kids into the care of the more responsible adult cohort was working.
From Honduras came a CNN report that at least one Honduran parent of sound judgment would not be embarking on the journey to the US. A net-positive, however, was framed as a negative by the network’s activists-cum-reporters.
Henpecked at home, from within the White House, President Trump has begun to relent on zero-tolerance at the Southern border and has issued an enabling executive order. Enabling because bad parents will continue to deploy children as human shields to gain entry into the US.
Yes, it’s unfortunate that children are born into disorganized, chaotic families. But a child is either the responsibility of his parents or of the state.
The judicial trend of the state as parens patriae has seen the family usurped by the state as the primary socialization agent. The state-as-parent is the purview of progressives, not conservatives.
Parents who put kids is such precarious a predicament are unfit. Why, then, are unfit parents fit to become Americans?
Ilana Mercer has been writing a weekly, paleolibertarian column since 1999. She is the author of “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa” (2011) & “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (June, 2016). She’s on Twitter, Facebook, Gab & YouTube
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Saving America
Top Vinyl Films
Saving America
By Ilana Mercer
By now, most Americans, for or against, get the idea. All an individual or family need do to live in America, and off the avails of the American taxpayer, is to arrive at an approved port of entry and “lodge a legal claim to stay.”
That’s it.
The same understanding animates an entire, parasitical industry that has arisen to coach the claimants in their claims-making.
The refugee and illegal-migrant racket sprung-up on the backs of the American people is Third World cronyism at its best. “The Trump administration plans to pay a Texas nonprofit nearly half a billion dollars, this year, to care for immigrant children who were detained crossing the U.S. border illegally, reports Bloomberg.”
Did you vote for that?
Brazen border-crossers “rarely hide from border agents,” for they know the rules of the game are that there aren’t any rules. Not for them, not for the lawless.
The law-abiding pay.
The profits from the immigration industry, material and political, are privatized; the costs are socialized.
It has taken a president, in the person of Donald J. Trump, and his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to expose for all to see a shameful, likely irreversible, fact: American birthright has been frittered away for a mess of pottage.
In exchange for throwing America open to The World, Americans get crime, poverty, unemployment, depressed wages, environmental despoliation, overburdened public services, and zero comity and harmony across their communities.
Or, more likely hate. For to oppose this transformative political give-away is to be branded a hater and be hounded, at home, by a Fifth Column of values-enforcers.
There’s no finessing it. This selling of the patrimony and heritage of Americans is theft, plain and simple. There is no hiding it. Peddling of stolen goods for political favors is the handiwork of political representatives, of legislators.
Through legislative sleight-of-hand and international treaty making American politicians have incrementally robbed a people of their national and territorial sovereignty, as well as their shared identity.
As another patriot, broadcaster Tucker Carlson, put it, nobody voted to change the country thus. These treacherous “elites vie to see who can reach the greatest heights of rhetorical excess and self-righteous posturing,” spat Tucker in disgust.
His philippic was over a sickeningly sanctimonious press, convulsing over kids detained at the border, in accordance with US law, to which the whole thing is an event, a happening. Mere mortals, like Trump’s Deplorables, must look up to—and learn from—these avatars of morality.
To cap it all, in Trump translation:We have the crappiest, most liberal immigration laws.
He has tried. The president has valiantly attempted to save America.
“During Trump’s first nine months in office,” bemoans the neoliberal Economist, “arrests for immigration violations were 42 percent higher than they were during the same period in Barack Obama’s last year. Non-border deportations rose 25 percent in fiscal 2017. Deportations of illegal immigrants who have committed no other crime, and who were not a priority in the Obama era, nearly tripled. Refugee admissions had plummeted. This fiscal year 16 percent of them are Muslim, compared with 42 percent a year ago.”
For this reason—and with Ahab-like zeal—has the establishment gone after Trump. Only when he is politically annihilated will this establishment rest. Hence the manufactured crisis at the border.
Before the border setback, White House officials had been “drafting a package which would, among other things, make it easier to deport children who arrive alone at the border.”
As had ICE agents who increased their presence at courthouses, vowing to use courthouse arrests for “specific, targeted aliens” with criminal records, gang affiliations or removal orders, or who pose national security threats.
But now it’s, “The kids, the kids”: Members of the chattering class, the noise makers, have been tripping over one another to prove each one of them is on the side of the angels.
Magnificently did Tom Homan, acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, stand up to the sniveling, manipulative media with facts about the law and the right of national sovereignty.
And, what do you know? They, in the person of the Wolf Blitzer prototype, crumbled, apologetically. Alas, flabby, lickspittle Republicans are too dumb and devious to have figured out that a backbone, and fidelity to just law, frightens Democrats more than anything.
To the horror of one CNN practitioner of yellow journalism—sensational, sentimental, never impartial—the removal of kids into the care of the more responsible adult cohort was working.
From Honduras came a CNN report that at least one Honduran parent of sound judgment would not be embarking on the journey to the US. A net-positive, however, was framed as a negative by the network’s activists-cum-reporters.
Henpecked at home, from within the White House, President Trump has begun to relent on zero-tolerance at the Southern border and has issued an enabling executive order. Enabling because bad parents will continue to deploy children as human shields to gain entry into the US.
Yes, it’s unfortunate that children are born into disorganized, chaotic families. But a child is either the responsibility of his parents or of the state.
The judicial trend of the state as parens patriae has seen the family usurped by the state as the primary socialization agent. The state-as-parent is the purview of progressives, not conservatives.
Parents who put kids is such precarious a predicament are unfit. Why, then, are unfit parents fit to become Americans?
Ilana Mercer has been writing a weekly, paleolibertarian column since 1999. She is the author of “Into the Cannibal’s Pot: Lessons for America From Post-Apartheid South Africa” (2011) & “The Trump Revolution: The Donald’s Creative Destruction Deconstructed” (June, 2016). She’s on Twitter, Facebook, Gab & YouTube
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