Alien versus Predator
by Ilana Mercer
For the purpose of making your way adaptively and smartly in a society that is systemically anti-white, you need to understand what distinguishes Critical Race Theory from Marxism and quit the socialism/Marxism theoretical escapism, for once and for all.
Get this into your head: for conflict in society, Marxism fingers social class; critical race theory saddles whites. You, if you are white!
More on this do-or-die distinction in my latest YouTube video, “Distinguish Critical Race Theory From Marxism: Your Life Depends On It!”
David Vance and I further flesh out the Marxism vs. Critical Race Theory vexation in our weekly, Wednesday chat.
Whatever conservatives think of Marxism—and this writer follows the antiwar, anti-state, free market Austrian School of economics—Marxism in the origin is serious political economy; an intellectual treatise with gravitas. Critical Race Theory is a priori gibberish.
Scrap that: befitting the boors who originated CRT anti-whitism—the theory is based on reasoning backwards: if B then A; if white then … complete that sentence with all manner of evil that comes to mind.
We also discuss uni-party politics, the futility of it, and the war on MAGA folks, all 74 million of us. And, prompted by David, I might have thrown in a quip about plagiarism made way back, in a witty joust between Oscar Wilde and James McNeill Whistler—two giants of the West your kids should know, but don’t, because of critical race rot.
“Race, gender, class” aka “Diversity, Inclusion, Equality”.
The first two were added to the third to accelerate the destruction of white western national structures. The biological differentiation among humans is misrepresented or suppressed to turn us into mush.