John Cleese on the fawlts of immigration
Former Monty Python and Fawtly Towers star John Cleese has given an interesting interview in Australia, about the changes wrought in London in recent decades by massive and unrequested immigration. See here:
Note the miss-the-point, defensively frightened responses from the Boris Johnson camp and (of course!) from Ken Livingstone.
Such comments from someone like him are a major boost to the immigration restriction lobby. He joins a growing list of celebrities, from Eric Clapton to Roger Daltrey, who have made very similar comments. It is interesting that there have not been (yet, anyway) what were once the inevitable accusations of racism from the Perpetually Outraged. Mass immigration has ever fewer defenders, and ever less legitimacy.
Derek Turner, 2 September 2011
240262 8557I agree completely with what you said. Great Stuff. Keep it going.. 471696