![Zentralbild, II.Weltkrieg 1939-1945 Überfall der faschistischen deutschen Wehrmacht auf Polen am 1.9.1939. Nach der Besetzung der Freien Stadt Danzig durch die Faschisten am 1.9. geht die Landespolizei der Stadt Danzig im Verband mit der deutschen Wehrmacht über die Danzig-polnische Grenze auf der Straße Zoppot-Gdingen (Gdynia) vor. [Scherl Bilderdienst]](http://www.quarterly-review.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/Germany-v-Poland.jpg)
Zentralbild, II.Weltkrieg 1939-1945
Überfall der faschistischen deutschen Wehrmacht auf Polen am 1.9.1939.
Nach der Besetzung der Freien Stadt Danzig durch die Faschisten am 1.9. geht die Landespolizei der Stadt Danzig im Verband mit der deutschen Wehrmacht über die Danzig-polnische Grenze auf der Straße Zoppot-Gdingen (Gdynia) vor.
[Scherl Bilderdienst]
Plan White, Again, Now in Rainbow Pantyhose, Part 1
Accession states resist Merkel’s diktat
Chapter 1
Part 1
by Max Denken
Germany’s code name for the strategic plan of its September 1, 1939 invasion of Poland was Fall Weiss—“Plan White.” The plan envisioned a three-month long campaign, with a three-pronged envelopment converging on Warsaw, where the encirclement and destruction of the Polish Army would ensue. The Soviet Army’s attack from the east, just 15 days after the Germans invaded from the west and north, compacted the whole enterprise to five weeks; by 6 October Poland had been conquered, though it would never surrender.
With Poland now the heavier anchor of the Visegrad Group’s anti-Islamization, anti-barbarization, anti-cultural dispossession, “refugees”-refusing European resistance camp, a new multi-front war has been launched upon it, led, again, by Germany. As this time around, per Karl Marx’s clever observation, history has returned as farce, the European Union is the senior partner in the German Axis, with Francois Hollande’s France closing up the rear.
Besides Poland, the Visegrad Group (V-4), comprises an exemplary force in Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Moreover, a movement is afoot to unite in this resistance all countries whose peoples’ brains, collectively and severally, were miraculously saved from the horrible virus that has been ravaging the ruling classes and half the population of Western Europe and the white Anglophony since the 1950s. Ironically, the healthy populations whose survival instinct, peoplehood and love of ancestral country and culture have not been extinguished, were protected from the Western virus by the onerous Iron Curtain.
Poland is in the cross-hairs of the West’s “progressive” ruling classes more than any other defiant country. There are some historical, geostrategic, even psychological reasons, but we won’t get into that here. Let it suffice that when the Law and Justice Party (PiS) won a landslide election in October 2015 and replaced the Civic Platform Party (PO) with an unprecedented absolute majority in the Polish parliament, a tectonic shift took place. Such real change is inherently impossible in countries like the United States or United Kingdom, where Tweedledee may replace Tweedledum at the seat of government but the people still end up with egg on their face. They can only parse a concept like Bushbama to compare the magnitude of their destruction under a Bush or Obama, or Blair-Cameron in the U.K., and so on with this single Western regime sporting different shades of lipstick.
PIS is a conservative, traditionalist, nationalist, Euro-sceptic party. PO is a Christian-Democrat, pro-“European,” “centrist” party of the same ilk as the governing party that’s undoing Germany under Angela Merkel, or the one that was undoing France under Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy. Those parties are what passes for “center-right” in Europe, but they are “center,” let alone “right,” only because the much-cleverer Left has moved the goal posts, unopposed, so far to the left that the center is where the left corner used to be.
PiS is multiculti postmodern Europe’s demon from hell: a basso profundo Commendatore risen from the netherworld to drag the libertine Don Juan from the easy life, the alternative values system, the golden trough, the dames, the Daimlers and the Davos swells– down to eternal hell. PiS is the stone figure of a father thought stabbed, dead and buried, but come back to life to reclaim honor, to assert still-living tradition, to place man and woman where they belong, to restore the social order and channel God’s wrath. It could have been Front National in France or one of the smaller parties in a smaller country, but fate has decreed that Poland lead. And PiS is quite to the right — the Christian right– of Front National, too.
Under PO, Poland had busted from within the V-4 group that had opposed, along with Romania, the German-EU manic push to spread Germany’s suicide-by-“refugees” among the rest of European Union’s members. It caved in to Mama Merkel’s, Jean-Claude Juncker’s and Martin Schultz’s inveigling and committed to accept 11,946 “refugees” of the 160,000 that the European Commission shoved down the throat of its member states, willing or unwilling. That left Poland’s smaller V-4 partners exposed and vulnerable.
PiS campaigned on the promise to scuttle that sovereignty-crushing deal in order to preserve Poland’s cultural unity, social capital and physical safety. That is why, when PiS won in October, assorted German politicians, chief Eurocrats, UN meddlers, postmodern European bishops, the West’s bien pensants and the fearsome mass media blitzkrieg columns unleashed another “White Plan” multi-pronged attack on the key country standing athwart their scheme to fuse Europe with the Third World, to crush ornery Christian nationalists under the more congenial sandals of the imported followers of Allah and, generally, to implement the secular-humanist Second Coming and Paradise-on-Earth-ever-after.
Just to quote and analyze the invective and threats and hypocritical calls to “solidarity” that, since October 2015, the ruling nomenklatura of Germany, France, the European Commission, UN apparatchiks, Soros servants and many other official agents of the New World Order (NWO) have been hurling at Poland, would take a book – and that before going into the even-thicker dossier of preposterous pap poured out liberally by the West’s mass media: the heavy panzer column in this neue Plan White. Our issue here is that the attacks continue, now attempting to delegitimize the PIS government and nullify the will of the Polish people that elected it. This in spite of the PIS government’s admission that under the EU treaties and regulations to which Poland is signatory it is compelled to honor the obligations of the former government, though no such “refugees”-related schemes will be accepted in the future.
We will look here just at the major attacks that took place in a single week of February 2016, and not from the Eurocrats who regularly hurl dark loads at their noncompliant neighbor across the Oder-Neisse rivers but from an astonishingly wider spectrum.
Mack, Dick and Ben gang-up on Beata

Beata Szydlo
On February 10, 2016, U.S. Senators John McCain, Benjamin Cardin and Richard Durbin sent a letter (1) to Poland’s Prime Minister Beata Szydło expressing “concern” about “recent actions taken by the Polish Government” that, they alleged, “threaten the independence of state media and the country’s highest court and undermine Poland’s role as a democratic model.” The three U.S. potentates presented themselves as a “bipartisan group of Senators that are friends of Poland,” though they are bipartisan only for the same purpose that the “Gang of Eight” was, what with McCain (R) and Durbin (Dem.) key members of the gang that authored the slyly camouflaged, pro-alien invasion “comprehensive immigration reform” in 2013.
As to “friends” of Poland, these are people who troll for votes and donations in Jewish synagogues on Fridays, and chill with rabid Islamist fanatics or shake hands with Nazizoid Ukrainian fascists on Tuesdays, as John McCain –- whom ISIS praised for (unintentionally) helping them to invade Iraq — did with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of ISIS fame and with Ukrainian “Svoboda’s” Oleh Tyahnybok, in May and December, 2013, respectively.
They pose as “defenders of democracy” in Poland but urge the U.S. tax authorities to investigate political opponents in the United States — as Dick Durbin and his senatorial buddies Carl Levin and Charles Schumer did in their respective letters to the IRS, seeking to harass conservative tax-exempt organizations. They “urge” the Polish government to “recommit” to “democracy, human rights, and rule of law,” but, like Ben Cardin, vote YES on making the Orwellian-fascist Patriot Act permanent and approve every racist law that comes up for their vote, e.g. preferential treatment by race in college admissions, “Affirmative Action” etc. (voting record at ontheissues.org).
Polish Premier Beata Szydło responded with considerable restraint (2), pointing out, first, that her Law and Justice (PiS) party had been elected by a popular vote so large that it had an absolute parliamentary majority. The PiS government was therefore implementing reforms for the sake of which Poland’s voters had given it the ruling mandate.
With respect to the American solons’ concern about “threaten[ing] the independence of state media and the country’s highest court,” Ms. Szydło responded that, as to the media, the government’s new regulations are motivated by the opposite intent: they aim to restore to Poland’s public media the impartiality and politics-free programming that were not violated by PiS but by the former, “centrist” administration.
I must add some punch to that diplomatic formulation by noting that in Poland under the “center-right” PO-Brussels regime, public media were a clear megaphone for the multiculti globalist EU-UN-Soros-United States of Obama project, even though by their mandate they were supposed to be impartial and apolitical. The PO government engaged in such “democratic” practices as the wiretapping of critical journalists, police raids on editorial offices and covert subsidies to supportive newspapers. “Public” media engaged in sharp propaganda against PO’s conservative alternative, the one that’s now in power.
It’s the same situation the world over, what with the BBC in the U.K., RAI in Italy, SVT in Sweden, NRK in Norway, PBS in the U.S. and so on, speaking in one tendentious voice, animated by the same Gramsci-Frankfurt School-Eurabian-feminist-GLBT-“minorities”-promoting and culturally transgressive voice that is not the voice of the people whom they are supposed to serve, inform and nourish. Germany’s ZDF (television) admitted as much when it had to explain why it kept silent after thousands of Mama Merkel’s pet “refugees” had their way with German women during New Year’s Eve celebrations.
That situation was worse in Poland because the key positions in the public mass media, and some commercial media as well, were held by the privileged children of Poland’s former Communist rulers. Local pundits were saying, “It’s AL contra AK again.” They were referring to the children of actual AL and AK combatants under German and Soviet occupation, when AL, the “People’s Army,” were in the service of Stalin’s USSR, and AK, the “Home Army,” stood for nationalist, traditionalist, Christian Poland that AL and its Soviet masters ultimately crushed, beginning in 1944.
PiS has changed all that. It replaced a few of the most politicized people in the putatively non-political public media, and passed a law that defined the role of national media as the cultivation of national traditions and values and providing access to unbiased information. A Council for National Media would oversee that mandate, with input from a spectrum of civic groups.
TVP (television) no longer follows a single political script or promotes schemes (e.g. gay marriage) repugnant to the great majority of Poles, and the full opinion spectrum is represented in its programs. It’s a freedom unknown in the West, where even the Left-reviled Fox News is little more than a Bush–Cameron sampling of politically-correct “conservatism.” And that is unacceptable in the eyes of both the Polish “progressives” whose grip on the media has been pried loose.
The issue with the Constitutional Tribunal is quite similar to that of the Left’s ways – even in its “Christian-Democrat” guise – of packing the media with minds of the same “progressive” template. Premier Szydło explained in her letter that, again, contrary to the Senators’ insinuation, problems with the Tribunal arose because of the former government, not hers. Sensing electoral defeat, on October 8, 2015 just days before the October elections, the PO regime had appointed five judges to the 15-member Constitutional Tribunal, even though the cadence of the judges whom the new ones would replace would not expire until November or December. Premier Szydło described that as “a lawless and irresponsible political act” that politicized the Constitutional Tribunal, contravened the rules of pluralism and was, in itself, unconstitutional. That unconstitutionality was confirmed by the Constitutional Tribunal itself on December 3, 2015.
To restate that in plainer language, PO was trying to pack the Tribunal with judges sharing the PO (therefore the EU – UN – Obama) vision of man, society and the world, in an ancient ploy made infamous by Franklin D. Roosevelt and his attempt to pack the U.S. Supreme Court with justices sharing his “progressive” vision. The reappointment decision belonged to the government in power in November and December, and not the one desperately trying to tilt the court its way for the future, ahead of due time.
There is an analogous struggle in the United States now, what with the convenient –- some say, too convenient and quite suspicious — death of the Supreme Court’s most conservative justice, Antonin Scalia. Outgoing President Obama and his true-believers are pushing to nominate an Obamoid replacement while Republicans argue that it’s the next (and likely Republican) president to whom this choice belongs. Likewise, Obama has suspended the enforcement of immigration laws in order to pack the country with as many nonwhite future-Democrats as he can, destroying “da man” (and Western Civilization with him), doing all the damage he can while he can, with just months remaining to his cadence.
Upon convening under the new, PiS majority, the Polish parliament properly rejected such blatant political manipulation of the highest level of Poland’s judiciary. On December 2, it voted to decree as illegal and to nullify the former government’s premature appointment of the Constitutional Tribunals’ justices.
There are other, less significant changes in the new law proposed by PiS. Among others, the law mandates that this highest tribunal of the land may arrive at its decisions only via a full forum: at least 13 justices present out of the 15 total, with the validity of decisions contingent on a 2/3 majority. Per reports in the Polish press, under the PO regime nine justices were sufficient, and most deliberations were conducted with only five, i.e. one third of the full roster. A simple majority was sufficient for decisions.
Another change is that, formerly, the Tribunal’s justices were to all intents and purposes above the law. So are, unhappily, the U.S. Supreme Court justices and federal judges, with the result being that in the entire history of the United States only one of the former and fifteen of the latter could be removed successfully from office. Under the new law, the President of Poland or its Minister of Justice will be able to initiate the process of removing a justice of the Constitutional Tribunal from office.
Piotr Andrzejewski – a justice of Poland’s other constitutional court: the State Tribunal, opined in a radio interview that the brouhaha around the new Constitutional Tribunal law is a ploy to discredit current salutary reforms and to inhibit further such reforms by the duly elected PiS government. He stated further that the Constitutional Tribunal itself has breached the Constitution and that only due to the new law it will no longer be able to do so with impunity.
Premier Szydło did not go into all that in her letter, limiting herself to describing the legal reform as an attempt to redress the illegality of the PO government that preceded her. She acknowledged that the reforms introduced by PiS may not be to the liking of her party’s political opponents but expressed her astonishment that an internal political dispute in her country should be a cause of interference attempts by foreign politicians.
(1) The American Senators’ letter may be accessed here: http://www.durbin.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2-10-16%20BLC-McCain-Durbin%20letter%20to%20Polish%20PM%20on%20freedom%20of%20press.pdf
(2) Beata Szydlo’s letter may be found in Polish only at http://wpolityce.pl/polityka/281662-tylko-u-nas-premier-beata-szydlo-blyskawicznie-odpowiada-amerykanskim-senatorom-na-ich-list-chcemy-by-szanowano-nasze-suwerenne-wybory-i-decyzje
(3) The interview appeared in print in the political blog wpolityce.pl, http://wpolityce.pl/polityka/274845-sedzia-trybunalu-stanu-o-antyrzadowej-histerii-ci-wszyscy-krzykacze-nawolujacy-do-rewolty-przykrywaja-uzdrawiajace-reformy-panstwa-to-trybunal-konstytucyjny-zlamal-konstytucje
Max Denken was born and lived until the age of ten in Communist-era Poland. He has since lived or commuted to work (in television) in 26 countries — as of 1969, as an American. Denken has university degrees in Economics, Political Science, Mass Media, and Film. Living in Japan until 2015, under the pen name Takuan Seiyo he wrote extensively in European and U.S. dissident media about the decay of the West as seen from the traditional East. As his native surname has more consonants than vowels, and in either of his ex-Japan home continents the hard Cultural-Marxist Left is in control, and uses it to persecute authors who challenge its totems and taboos, he now writes under a different pen name more indicative of his Central-European roots.
All rights reserved
Extract from a forthcoming book
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Plan White, Again, Now in Rainbow Pantyhose, Part 1
Zentralbild, II.Weltkrieg 1939-1945
Überfall der faschistischen deutschen Wehrmacht auf Polen am 1.9.1939.
Nach der Besetzung der Freien Stadt Danzig durch die Faschisten am 1.9. geht die Landespolizei der Stadt Danzig im Verband mit der deutschen Wehrmacht über die Danzig-polnische Grenze auf der Straße Zoppot-Gdingen (Gdynia) vor.
[Scherl Bilderdienst]
Plan White, Again, Now in Rainbow Pantyhose, Part 1
Accession states resist Merkel’s diktat
Chapter 1
Part 1
by Max Denken
Germany’s code name for the strategic plan of its September 1, 1939 invasion of Poland was Fall Weiss—“Plan White.” The plan envisioned a three-month long campaign, with a three-pronged envelopment converging on Warsaw, where the encirclement and destruction of the Polish Army would ensue. The Soviet Army’s attack from the east, just 15 days after the Germans invaded from the west and north, compacted the whole enterprise to five weeks; by 6 October Poland had been conquered, though it would never surrender.
With Poland now the heavier anchor of the Visegrad Group’s anti-Islamization, anti-barbarization, anti-cultural dispossession, “refugees”-refusing European resistance camp, a new multi-front war has been launched upon it, led, again, by Germany. As this time around, per Karl Marx’s clever observation, history has returned as farce, the European Union is the senior partner in the German Axis, with Francois Hollande’s France closing up the rear.
Besides Poland, the Visegrad Group (V-4), comprises an exemplary force in Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. Moreover, a movement is afoot to unite in this resistance all countries whose peoples’ brains, collectively and severally, were miraculously saved from the horrible virus that has been ravaging the ruling classes and half the population of Western Europe and the white Anglophony since the 1950s. Ironically, the healthy populations whose survival instinct, peoplehood and love of ancestral country and culture have not been extinguished, were protected from the Western virus by the onerous Iron Curtain.
Poland is in the cross-hairs of the West’s “progressive” ruling classes more than any other defiant country. There are some historical, geostrategic, even psychological reasons, but we won’t get into that here. Let it suffice that when the Law and Justice Party (PiS) won a landslide election in October 2015 and replaced the Civic Platform Party (PO) with an unprecedented absolute majority in the Polish parliament, a tectonic shift took place. Such real change is inherently impossible in countries like the United States or United Kingdom, where Tweedledee may replace Tweedledum at the seat of government but the people still end up with egg on their face. They can only parse a concept like Bushbama to compare the magnitude of their destruction under a Bush or Obama, or Blair-Cameron in the U.K., and so on with this single Western regime sporting different shades of lipstick.
PIS is a conservative, traditionalist, nationalist, Euro-sceptic party. PO is a Christian-Democrat, pro-“European,” “centrist” party of the same ilk as the governing party that’s undoing Germany under Angela Merkel, or the one that was undoing France under Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy. Those parties are what passes for “center-right” in Europe, but they are “center,” let alone “right,” only because the much-cleverer Left has moved the goal posts, unopposed, so far to the left that the center is where the left corner used to be.
PiS is multiculti postmodern Europe’s demon from hell: a basso profundo Commendatore risen from the netherworld to drag the libertine Don Juan from the easy life, the alternative values system, the golden trough, the dames, the Daimlers and the Davos swells– down to eternal hell. PiS is the stone figure of a father thought stabbed, dead and buried, but come back to life to reclaim honor, to assert still-living tradition, to place man and woman where they belong, to restore the social order and channel God’s wrath. It could have been Front National in France or one of the smaller parties in a smaller country, but fate has decreed that Poland lead. And PiS is quite to the right — the Christian right– of Front National, too.
Under PO, Poland had busted from within the V-4 group that had opposed, along with Romania, the German-EU manic push to spread Germany’s suicide-by-“refugees” among the rest of European Union’s members. It caved in to Mama Merkel’s, Jean-Claude Juncker’s and Martin Schultz’s inveigling and committed to accept 11,946 “refugees” of the 160,000 that the European Commission shoved down the throat of its member states, willing or unwilling. That left Poland’s smaller V-4 partners exposed and vulnerable.
PiS campaigned on the promise to scuttle that sovereignty-crushing deal in order to preserve Poland’s cultural unity, social capital and physical safety. That is why, when PiS won in October, assorted German politicians, chief Eurocrats, UN meddlers, postmodern European bishops, the West’s bien pensants and the fearsome mass media blitzkrieg columns unleashed another “White Plan” multi-pronged attack on the key country standing athwart their scheme to fuse Europe with the Third World, to crush ornery Christian nationalists under the more congenial sandals of the imported followers of Allah and, generally, to implement the secular-humanist Second Coming and Paradise-on-Earth-ever-after.
Just to quote and analyze the invective and threats and hypocritical calls to “solidarity” that, since October 2015, the ruling nomenklatura of Germany, France, the European Commission, UN apparatchiks, Soros servants and many other official agents of the New World Order (NWO) have been hurling at Poland, would take a book – and that before going into the even-thicker dossier of preposterous pap poured out liberally by the West’s mass media: the heavy panzer column in this neue Plan White. Our issue here is that the attacks continue, now attempting to delegitimize the PIS government and nullify the will of the Polish people that elected it. This in spite of the PIS government’s admission that under the EU treaties and regulations to which Poland is signatory it is compelled to honor the obligations of the former government, though no such “refugees”-related schemes will be accepted in the future.
We will look here just at the major attacks that took place in a single week of February 2016, and not from the Eurocrats who regularly hurl dark loads at their noncompliant neighbor across the Oder-Neisse rivers but from an astonishingly wider spectrum.
Mack, Dick and Ben gang-up on Beata
Beata Szydlo
On February 10, 2016, U.S. Senators John McCain, Benjamin Cardin and Richard Durbin sent a letter (1) to Poland’s Prime Minister Beata Szydło expressing “concern” about “recent actions taken by the Polish Government” that, they alleged, “threaten the independence of state media and the country’s highest court and undermine Poland’s role as a democratic model.” The three U.S. potentates presented themselves as a “bipartisan group of Senators that are friends of Poland,” though they are bipartisan only for the same purpose that the “Gang of Eight” was, what with McCain (R) and Durbin (Dem.) key members of the gang that authored the slyly camouflaged, pro-alien invasion “comprehensive immigration reform” in 2013.
As to “friends” of Poland, these are people who troll for votes and donations in Jewish synagogues on Fridays, and chill with rabid Islamist fanatics or shake hands with Nazizoid Ukrainian fascists on Tuesdays, as John McCain –- whom ISIS praised for (unintentionally) helping them to invade Iraq — did with Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi of ISIS fame and with Ukrainian “Svoboda’s” Oleh Tyahnybok, in May and December, 2013, respectively.
They pose as “defenders of democracy” in Poland but urge the U.S. tax authorities to investigate political opponents in the United States — as Dick Durbin and his senatorial buddies Carl Levin and Charles Schumer did in their respective letters to the IRS, seeking to harass conservative tax-exempt organizations. They “urge” the Polish government to “recommit” to “democracy, human rights, and rule of law,” but, like Ben Cardin, vote YES on making the Orwellian-fascist Patriot Act permanent and approve every racist law that comes up for their vote, e.g. preferential treatment by race in college admissions, “Affirmative Action” etc. (voting record at ontheissues.org).
Polish Premier Beata Szydło responded with considerable restraint (2), pointing out, first, that her Law and Justice (PiS) party had been elected by a popular vote so large that it had an absolute parliamentary majority. The PiS government was therefore implementing reforms for the sake of which Poland’s voters had given it the ruling mandate.
With respect to the American solons’ concern about “threaten[ing] the independence of state media and the country’s highest court,” Ms. Szydło responded that, as to the media, the government’s new regulations are motivated by the opposite intent: they aim to restore to Poland’s public media the impartiality and politics-free programming that were not violated by PiS but by the former, “centrist” administration.
I must add some punch to that diplomatic formulation by noting that in Poland under the “center-right” PO-Brussels regime, public media were a clear megaphone for the multiculti globalist EU-UN-Soros-United States of Obama project, even though by their mandate they were supposed to be impartial and apolitical. The PO government engaged in such “democratic” practices as the wiretapping of critical journalists, police raids on editorial offices and covert subsidies to supportive newspapers. “Public” media engaged in sharp propaganda against PO’s conservative alternative, the one that’s now in power.
It’s the same situation the world over, what with the BBC in the U.K., RAI in Italy, SVT in Sweden, NRK in Norway, PBS in the U.S. and so on, speaking in one tendentious voice, animated by the same Gramsci-Frankfurt School-Eurabian-feminist-GLBT-“minorities”-promoting and culturally transgressive voice that is not the voice of the people whom they are supposed to serve, inform and nourish. Germany’s ZDF (television) admitted as much when it had to explain why it kept silent after thousands of Mama Merkel’s pet “refugees” had their way with German women during New Year’s Eve celebrations.
That situation was worse in Poland because the key positions in the public mass media, and some commercial media as well, were held by the privileged children of Poland’s former Communist rulers. Local pundits were saying, “It’s AL contra AK again.” They were referring to the children of actual AL and AK combatants under German and Soviet occupation, when AL, the “People’s Army,” were in the service of Stalin’s USSR, and AK, the “Home Army,” stood for nationalist, traditionalist, Christian Poland that AL and its Soviet masters ultimately crushed, beginning in 1944.
PiS has changed all that. It replaced a few of the most politicized people in the putatively non-political public media, and passed a law that defined the role of national media as the cultivation of national traditions and values and providing access to unbiased information. A Council for National Media would oversee that mandate, with input from a spectrum of civic groups.
TVP (television) no longer follows a single political script or promotes schemes (e.g. gay marriage) repugnant to the great majority of Poles, and the full opinion spectrum is represented in its programs. It’s a freedom unknown in the West, where even the Left-reviled Fox News is little more than a Bush–Cameron sampling of politically-correct “conservatism.” And that is unacceptable in the eyes of both the Polish “progressives” whose grip on the media has been pried loose.
The issue with the Constitutional Tribunal is quite similar to that of the Left’s ways – even in its “Christian-Democrat” guise – of packing the media with minds of the same “progressive” template. Premier Szydło explained in her letter that, again, contrary to the Senators’ insinuation, problems with the Tribunal arose because of the former government, not hers. Sensing electoral defeat, on October 8, 2015 just days before the October elections, the PO regime had appointed five judges to the 15-member Constitutional Tribunal, even though the cadence of the judges whom the new ones would replace would not expire until November or December. Premier Szydło described that as “a lawless and irresponsible political act” that politicized the Constitutional Tribunal, contravened the rules of pluralism and was, in itself, unconstitutional. That unconstitutionality was confirmed by the Constitutional Tribunal itself on December 3, 2015.
To restate that in plainer language, PO was trying to pack the Tribunal with judges sharing the PO (therefore the EU – UN – Obama) vision of man, society and the world, in an ancient ploy made infamous by Franklin D. Roosevelt and his attempt to pack the U.S. Supreme Court with justices sharing his “progressive” vision. The reappointment decision belonged to the government in power in November and December, and not the one desperately trying to tilt the court its way for the future, ahead of due time.
There is an analogous struggle in the United States now, what with the convenient –- some say, too convenient and quite suspicious — death of the Supreme Court’s most conservative justice, Antonin Scalia. Outgoing President Obama and his true-believers are pushing to nominate an Obamoid replacement while Republicans argue that it’s the next (and likely Republican) president to whom this choice belongs. Likewise, Obama has suspended the enforcement of immigration laws in order to pack the country with as many nonwhite future-Democrats as he can, destroying “da man” (and Western Civilization with him), doing all the damage he can while he can, with just months remaining to his cadence.
Upon convening under the new, PiS majority, the Polish parliament properly rejected such blatant political manipulation of the highest level of Poland’s judiciary. On December 2, it voted to decree as illegal and to nullify the former government’s premature appointment of the Constitutional Tribunals’ justices.
There are other, less significant changes in the new law proposed by PiS. Among others, the law mandates that this highest tribunal of the land may arrive at its decisions only via a full forum: at least 13 justices present out of the 15 total, with the validity of decisions contingent on a 2/3 majority. Per reports in the Polish press, under the PO regime nine justices were sufficient, and most deliberations were conducted with only five, i.e. one third of the full roster. A simple majority was sufficient for decisions.
Another change is that, formerly, the Tribunal’s justices were to all intents and purposes above the law. So are, unhappily, the U.S. Supreme Court justices and federal judges, with the result being that in the entire history of the United States only one of the former and fifteen of the latter could be removed successfully from office. Under the new law, the President of Poland or its Minister of Justice will be able to initiate the process of removing a justice of the Constitutional Tribunal from office.
Piotr Andrzejewski – a justice of Poland’s other constitutional court: the State Tribunal, opined in a radio interview that the brouhaha around the new Constitutional Tribunal law is a ploy to discredit current salutary reforms and to inhibit further such reforms by the duly elected PiS government. He stated further that the Constitutional Tribunal itself has breached the Constitution and that only due to the new law it will no longer be able to do so with impunity.
Premier Szydło did not go into all that in her letter, limiting herself to describing the legal reform as an attempt to redress the illegality of the PO government that preceded her. She acknowledged that the reforms introduced by PiS may not be to the liking of her party’s political opponents but expressed her astonishment that an internal political dispute in her country should be a cause of interference attempts by foreign politicians.
(1) The American Senators’ letter may be accessed here: http://www.durbin.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2-10-16%20BLC-McCain-Durbin%20letter%20to%20Polish%20PM%20on%20freedom%20of%20press.pdf
(2) Beata Szydlo’s letter may be found in Polish only at http://wpolityce.pl/polityka/281662-tylko-u-nas-premier-beata-szydlo-blyskawicznie-odpowiada-amerykanskim-senatorom-na-ich-list-chcemy-by-szanowano-nasze-suwerenne-wybory-i-decyzje
(3) The interview appeared in print in the political blog wpolityce.pl, http://wpolityce.pl/polityka/274845-sedzia-trybunalu-stanu-o-antyrzadowej-histerii-ci-wszyscy-krzykacze-nawolujacy-do-rewolty-przykrywaja-uzdrawiajace-reformy-panstwa-to-trybunal-konstytucyjny-zlamal-konstytucje
Max Denken was born and lived until the age of ten in Communist-era Poland. He has since lived or commuted to work (in television) in 26 countries — as of 1969, as an American. Denken has university degrees in Economics, Political Science, Mass Media, and Film. Living in Japan until 2015, under the pen name Takuan Seiyo he wrote extensively in European and U.S. dissident media about the decay of the West as seen from the traditional East. As his native surname has more consonants than vowels, and in either of his ex-Japan home continents the hard Cultural-Marxist Left is in control, and uses it to persecute authors who challenge its totems and taboos, he now writes under a different pen name more indicative of his Central-European roots.
All rights reserved
Extract from a forthcoming book
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